3 common causes of SSDI denial

On Behalf of | Nov 14, 2022 | Social Security Disability |

Social Security Disability Insurance is a program that can make a positive difference in your life if you have few other options for receiving financial support in your later years. Conversely, it can be largely dismaying if you apply for SSDI benefits and meet with denial.

If the Social Security Administration denies your initial application, it does not necessarily mean you cannot receive benefits. By understanding the common causes of SSDI denial, you may be able to correct your application and still get the financial support you need.

1. Ineligibility

Eligibility for SSDI benefits requires that you have a qualifying disability and limited income otherwise. You also must meet work history requirements, including paying Social Security taxes on your previous income.

2. Insufficient documentation

If the SSA considers your qualifications or work history to be ineligible for benefits, it may be due to insufficient documentation. You must provide detailed records in your application proving the severity of your disability. Consider sorting your medical documents ahead of time and consulting with your doctor to confirm that you have all the necessary material on-hand.

3. Repeated failed attempts

While you have the right to reapply for SSDI benefits if the SSA denies your claim, making multiple attempts without correcting your application may reflect poorly on you. Be sure to heed any feedback the SSA provides when they return your denied application.

It can be frustrating to receive a denial at a time when you might desperately need financial support. It is important to stay calm and take the proper steps to advocate for your eligibility.