Understanding highway hypnosis and how to prevent it

On Behalf of | May 13, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Driving on the highway can be a long and monotonous task, especially during long journeys. As you drive, you may feel your eyes getting heavy, your mind starting to wander and your focus drifting away from the road ahead. People know this phenomenon as highway hypnosis or “white-line fever,” and it can be dangerous if not recognized and prevented.

This trance-like state can be dangerous, as it can impair a driver’s ability to react to changes in traffic or road conditions. In this article, we will explore what highway hypnosis is and how to prevent it.

What is highway hypnosis?

Highway hypnosis is a psychological state that can occur during long periods of monotonous driving, such as on a highway. It happens when the driver becomes so focused on the road ahead that they enter a trance-like state, losing awareness of their surroundings. This can be dangerous, as it can cause drivers to miss important road signs or fail to react to changes in traffic conditions, which can cause accidents.

How to prevent highway hypnosis

There are several steps that drivers can take to prevent highway hypnosis. The first step is to take regular breaks during long drives. Getting out of the car, stretching and taking a short walk can help to keep the mind alert and prevent fatigue. It is also essential to get enough sleep before a long drive and to avoid driving during hours when you would typically be sleeping. Using cruise control can also help to prevent highway hypnosis by allowing the driver to relax their legs and focus more on the road ahead. Lastly, engaging in conversation with passengers or listening to music or audiobooks can help to keep the mind engaged and alert.

By being aware of the symptoms of highway hypnosis and taking proactive measures to prevent it, drivers can help ensure a safe and enjoyable driving experience.